We've also made some changes I need to post about, once I figure out how to take pictures of the smallest room on earth. But here's a teaser. We had most of the common areas of the house painted due to some Hurricane Isaac/our air conditioner leaking water everywhere damage. Having to take everything down and put it back up has given me a little motivation to reevaluate all of our STUFF. There is just SO MUCH STUFF. We have a couple of areas that I really love.
Jeez, I want to replace that lamp.
But when I take down my holiday decorations, there will be some evaluation of all of the things. And this desire has tied in strongly to my goals for the coming year.
In 2013, I want to
- be better organized
- focus on quality over quantity
- only buy things I love
- focus on health
- have more pink and shiny things
- get another tattoo
- have more fun
I will.